By Nikos Marantzidis and George Siakas*

The survey was conducted by PORU  and it was presented in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini.

The latest survey conducted by PORU (fielded on 1-2 Sep, 2016) confirmed the domination of the public opinion’s frustration and economic pessimism. 8 out of 10 respondents estimate that we are moving towards the wrong direction while more than 8 out of 10 declare their disappointment by the government’s performance. In addition, 9 out of 10 estimate that their household’s financial situation will remain the same or worsen within the next twelve months.

Greek citizens have low expectations and show their mistrust to the political leaders. With regard to the question “Who is more capable to express a trustworthy economic program?” Kyriakos Mitsotakis (the leader of the main opposition party) collects 7 points more than the current PM Alexis Tsipras (20% – 13%), but he still has the distrust of the majority (57%) of the population who think that none of them can.

*The official article was presented in Greek and you could retreive it from here.

* Nikos Marantzidis is teaching Political Science in the University of Macedonia and George Siakas is the Research Director of Public Opinion Research Unit.