By George Siakas*

The official article was published in the greek newspaper TA NEA on March, 23  in greek.

Greek government ( SYRIZA) attempted to reap many benefits with the Prespa Agreement. 

On the one hand, Government tried to resolve a chronic issue that prevents the enlargement of NATO to the Balkans. When in 2015, European Partners obliged SYRIZA change its policy, SYRIZA stayed focus in Europe΄s hints and tips by this way (Prespas Agreement). On the other hand, Tsipras obviously try to create rifts to the right part of the New Democracy (opposition party). ND had two choice; either consented to the solution, which is being promoted, or became more right-wing party, leaving a field of political exploitation in the center of political area.

Of course, it is not clear what is the exactly result of this attempt.

The Name Dispute is, of course, an important variable for the forthcoming elections (May 2019), but is not the main actor, mainly for the following reasons.

First, this dispute is not so important for all the citizens in country. The research of the Research Unit of University of Macedonia and ELIAMEP (2016-2018), shows that dispute is more important for the right-wings voters than left and centrals. For the first category is an important issue, but for the second one, it is not considered as a major one.

Secondly, Disputes significance alters geographically. So, this issue is more important for voters in region of Central Macedonia than voters in Attica.  Thus, SYRIZA ratings in Central Macedonia are not so high. For example, in September 2015, despite its nationwide election victory, SYRIZA recorded in Macedonia rates under its national average (exception was the A’ region of Thessaloniki).

Third, the majority of the citizens believe that it is not right the government’s handling on the dispute. However, for the majority, it is a “symbolic issue” and it’s not considerate as a real problem.  The government’s performance in the field of economy and citizens’ everyday life was negative a long time before the Prespa Agreement and it remains negative.

Greek Public Opinion feel anger and indignation while the Macedonian issue is still unsolved and his is the most worrying on political dispute.

Greek public opinion does not change easily. Living with this issue all their life, voters defend it as defend their dignity. So, some politicians have the opportunity to exploit this feeling for demagogic reasons.

*George Siakas is the Research Director of Public Opinion Research Unit.